How To Lose Weight Fast: 10 Simple Tips To Shed Fat More Efficiently
— Updated on 4 July 2024

How To Lose Weight Fast: 10 Simple Tips To Shed Fat More Efficiently

— Updated on 4 July 2024
Medically Reviewed by: Jono Castano  | 
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Are you wondering how to lose weight fast? Following some general guidelines can help you shed a couple of kilos and create a healthy weight loss plan that fits your lifestyle.

First, focus on making healthy food choices by choosing nutritious foods and fewer calories. Another thing to consider in partnership with a better diet is to make sure you are getting enough exercise to help burn calories and boost your metabolism.  Finally, focus on making overall lifestyle changes such as getting enough sleep, managing stress levels and staying hydrated.

That is, of course, the long-short of it and an incredibly simplified way to put a very complex and individualised process. There’s no one-size-fits-all all solution to losing weight as fast as possible, nor can it be particularly healthy to do so (1). If you are concerned about any elements of losing weight, it’s important to speak to your doctor or a qualified dietitian.

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How To Lose Weight Fast – Table Of Contents

  1. Losing Weight Fast Is Possible… But You Have To Be Smart About It
  2. Why Is Weight Loss Important?
  3. 10 Simple Tips To Lose Weight Fast
  4. Can You Lose Weight Fast?
  5. Can You Lose Weight Fast By Not Eating?
  6. Shed The Weight Fast

Losing Weight Fast Is Possible… But You Have To Be Smart About It

how to lose weight fast

Those looking to lose weight quickly do have some valuable tools to use, but once again it’s important to reiterate that losing weight slowly through gradual lifestyle changes is generally considered healthier and more sustainable. Most guides to losing weight fast paint an overwhelming picture of slow and steady wins the race, and while we understand the impatience that might stem from such advice, it can also get in the way of starting in the first place.

So while it’s maintaining good health through your weight loss process is important, there are a few fundamentals to keep in mind that if you follow consistently, will get you to your goals quicker without sacrificing your health. The goal is to lose weight safely and sensibly, but the more areas of your lifestyle that you make changes in, the quicker you’re likely to see results.

Diet and exercise are the most common answers for a reason. If you want to keep it simple, losing weight fast is really hinged on those two points, both of which can be powered by some good old-fashioned motivated discipline. Through that lens, while the key to losing weight fast is adjusting your lifestyle to a healthier one, it’s important to remain disciplined during the setbacks you face because one of the biggest challenges is maintaining consistency in those lifestyle changes.

No one is perfect, especially when trying to do something as difficult as adapting your lifestyle, so while you’ll face the temptation to go back to your old ways, it’s important to remember that doing something is better than doing nothing. Sure, you might have had a burger at lunch, but you can still do a workout in the afternoon, just as if you miss a workout you had planned, you can still make healthier eating decisions during the rest of the day.

Much of life is about practice, which is the training ground for consistency, so just remember that the more you do something the better you’re going to get at it and the easier it will be to keep doing it. If you can make positive changes in these areas, you will be well on your way to healthy weight loss with diet and lifestyle changes. Keep reading to see how to lose weight fast and keep the kilos off for good.

What Are The Benefits Of Weight Loss?

how to lose weight fast

There are numerous health benefits to trimming down body fat, not least of which is the additional confidence you might experience from losing weight. However, while feeling good about how you look is always going to be something worth investing in, maintaining a healthy weight (whatever that may be for you) is important because it can also:

  • Boost your energy levels,
  • Lower your cholesterol,
  • Reduce your blood pressure,
  • Improve your breathing,
  • Reduce the risk of certain cancers,
  • Help you get a good night’s sleep,
  • Help prevent Type 2 diabetes and other lifestyle diseases.

10 Simple Tips To Lose Weight Fast

how to lose weight fast

1. Intermittent Fasting

The first step to fast weight loss is a commitment to making healthy food choices. Intermittent fasting involves limiting your food intake to a specific window of time each day and then fasting (not eating) for the remainder of the day. For example, you might eat as usual for eight hours and then fast for 16 hours. This strategy can help to boost your metabolism and promote fat burning.

There are many benefits to Intermittent fasting (2), including weight loss. When you fast, you force your body to burn stored fat for energy, leading to rapid weight loss. The important part then is how often your fast, and when. A gradual process can also assist as you get used to the practice, perhaps starting by fasting just one or two days per week before increasing the number of days as your comfort grow.s

how to lose weight fast

Intermittent fasting also helps regulate insulin levels (3), which leads to further fat loss. Intermittent fasting is a great way of dieting for weight loss, but it’s not for everyone. If you have any health concerns, talk to your doctor before starting this or another weight loss plan.

If you’re interested in trying intermittent fasting, there are a few things that you should keep in mind. First, start slowly and gradually increase the time you fast each day. It is also good to make sure that you eat healthy foods during your eating window which can make you feel more full and help you to avoid overeating.

Keeping yourself accountable can be challenging when you’re intermittently fasting, so keeping a food diary or using a smartphone app like Zero (available for both iOS and Android) helps you keep track of your goals. Willpower is important, but using the tools you’ve got at your disposal can make things easier.

2. Eat Low-Carb

A low-carb diet is, arguably, the fastest diet to lose weight (4) because it requires you to eat fewer carbohydrates and more protein. Numerous studies show that low-carb diets can help you shed weight quickly. 

Researchers also found that eating a high-protein breakfast (5) can set you up for a healthy day. Individuals who ate a high-protein breakfast were less likely to have cravings later in the day. 

Try implementing a high-protein breakfast to keep your appetite under control. You may benefit even if you don’t eat low-carb the rest of the day. 

Low-carb breakfast food for losing weight includes:

  • Eggs
  • Bacon and avocado
  • A smoothie made with protein powder, spinach, and almond milk
  • A salad with grilled chicken and an olive oil dressing

If you’re looking for something more indulgent for breakfast, you could try a low-carb waffle or pancake made with almond flour, coconut flour, or cheese. You can also make a frittata with vegetables and meat or a quiche with bacon and spinach. 

There are a few reasons why low-carb diets are effective for weight loss. One reason is that they help to control blood sugar levels (6). When blood sugar levels are stable, cravings and feelings of hunger are under control. These diets also tend to be higher in fibre, too, and a high-fibre diet keeps you feeling satiated, so you are less likely to overeat. 

Low-carb diets also tend to be high in protein, which can help to keep you feeling full and satisfied after meals. Additionally, low-carb diets tend to be lower in calories than other diets, making them good choices for those who wonder how to lose weight fast without exercise. 

Another reason low-carb diets are as effective as weight loss diets is that they help to increase metabolism. An increased metabolism turns on your body’s fat-burning process, leading to weight loss.

There are a few things to keep in mind if you are thinking about starting a low-carb diet. First, it is important to make sure that you are getting enough protein. Protein helps build muscle, and it is also necessary for many other bodily functions. If you do not get enough protein, you may lose muscle mass instead of fat. Also, make sure you are drinking plenty of water. Water helps flush out toxins and excess calories from your body (6), helping you shed some pounds.

3. Exercise

Regular exercise can help you burn calories and promote weight loss (7). One of the main reasons exercise is important for rapid weight loss is because it helps to burn calories. When you burn calories, you can lose weight more quickly by creating a calorie deficit. 

Another reason exercise is important for rapid weight loss is that it can help to tone your body. When you have more muscle, you will burn more calories even when you are at rest. This can help you to lose more weight quickly and keep it off in the long term. 

Types of exercise to try:

  • Cardio: Cardio is a great way to get your heart rate up and improve your overall fitness. There are many different types of cardio exercises to try, such as running, biking, swimming, or even brisk walking. Cardio is important because it helps burn calories fast, and since weight loss requires a calorie deficit – burning more calories than you eat – this is important to consider when you want to trim body fat.
  • Strength Training: Weights, resistance bands, or bodyweight exercises are a few ways to incorporate strength training into your routine. Strength training helps build muscle without bulking up while also boosting muscle size and metabolism. This will help you burn more calories at rest.
  • HIIT: HIIT stands for high-intensity interval training. Workouts involve short bursts of intense activity followed by brief periods of rest. And it’s this approach that will help you quickly shed kilos as it raises your metabolic rate, increasing calorie burning after you have finished exercising.
  • Pilates: Pilates is a great way to improve your flexibility, strength, and balance. You can do pilates with or without equipment, making it one of the more flexible activities to incorporate into your weight loss journey. Since pilates focuses on the deepest layer of your abdominals it can help create long, strong muscles in this area which is important for overall strength and health.
  • Walking: Start with 10,000 steps per day and increase it, because walking 5km and running 5km burns approximately the same number of calories. Running isn’t for everyone, but of course, it can help immensely especially if you’re time-poor. Walking is a more accessible, low-impact way to push you along your weight loss journey, you’ll just need to be patient and consistent with it. Just remember, brisk walking with arms swinging is the best.

Exercise is important for rapid weight loss because it can help to reduce stress by releasing natural endorphins. Stress can lead to impulsive eating, which can sabotage your weight loss efforts. If you start thinking in these simple cause-and-effect terms, you’ll have a much easier time putting together your weight loss routine.

4. Manage Your Stress

Managing stress (8) is another key factor in rapid weight loss. When we are stressed, our bodies produce more of the stress hormone (known as cortisol). Cortisol leads to food cravings and feelings of hunger and, in turn, leads the body to store belly fat. So by managing stress, you can help your body stay in a healthy weight range and avoid unhealthy cravings.

There are a number of different ways to manage stress. One way is to get regular exercise and another way is to practice relaxation techniques such as yoga or meditation, which can help to calm the mind and body. 

5. Mindful Eating

Part of eating mindfully is being aware of what you eat each day. The best way to speed up weight loss through mindful eating includes incorporating a food journal (9). When you are aware of your eating habits, you can start to make better choices about the food you consume. 

When you keep track of your food intake it’s easier to get into routines around the food you consume, meaning when you see progress, you’ll be able to directly link your food choices with the results you are seeing, motivating you to continue. You may find that certain foods trigger cravings or that you are eating more than you realized. So, a food journal can help you learn about your triggers and how to replace them with healthier alternatives. 

6. Say No To Fad Eating

If you are looking to lose weight fast, a fad diet (10) may seem like a great choice. There are countless fad diets at any given time, and they all promise the fastest, quick-fix approach to rapid weight loss.

There are many reasons why fad dieting doesn’t work for rapid weight loss. One reason is that when people diet, they often cut out important nutrients and foods, which can lead to health problems. Additionally, when people lose weight quickly through dieting, they are likely to gain the weight back quickly once they stop dieting, because there haven’t been any fundamental changes to their lifestyle that support healthy weight loss. When people diet in an unhealthy way they often lose muscle mass, which also makes it harder to keep the weight off in the long term.

Instead, focus on these lifestyle changes to keep yourself healthy: 

  • Avoid processed foods
  • Eat more vegetables
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Avoid sugary drinks
  • Exercise regularly
  • Get enough sleep
  • Reduce stress levels
  • Make sure you’re getting the right nutrients
  • Keep a food journal

By creating healthy habits, you’ll lose weight more consistently which is important to ensure the kilos don’t creep back on and improve your overall health.

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7. Increase Water Intake

As we’ve already mentioned, increasing water intake is perhaps one of the most important things you can do in general, and forming a healthy habit of drinking around four litres of water per day will help you in many ways.

Not only can drinking more water help you flush toxins out of your system, but it also prevents dehydration which can leave you feeling exhausted and unable to think clearly. Drinking a large glass of water can also minimise hunger pangs if you are intermittently fasting without taking on any calories, with black coffee and tea offering another zero-calorie option to give you an energy boost if you need it.

8. Reduce Sugar Intake

Sugar is not your friend when it comes to losing weight (11). Try to stick to whole-food items wherever possible to help you reduce your sugar intake which is often associated with packaged foods that contain refined carbs. There are numerous reasons why sugar is bad for weight gain, one of which is that your body tends to digest sugary foods much quicker so you get hungry easier and eventually start to crave some more calories to keep yourself satisfied. Sugar that isn’t used in exercise or movement will also convert into fat, which is harder to burn off.

9. Pay Attention To NEAT

NEAT stands for Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (12) and it has been the subject of many studies before, often looking into the energy we expend for everything we do outside of sleeping, eating and exercising. You’re not jogging on the spot every waking hour, so it’s important to understand how we can burn more energy when we’re just doing something as simple as standing or moving around while at work.

For example, it has been reported that a 65 kg person would burn around 102 calories per hour while sitting down at their office job. If the same person was standing instead, they would burn around 174 calories an hour performing the same duties. And while that doesn’t sound like much of a difference, that translates to around 18,000 calories burnt over a 50-week workweek. Every bit helps.

10. Read

Here’s one that you didn’t expect, right? Losing weight fast means nothing if you haven’t got a realistic and sustainable plan on how you’re going to do that, which is where educating yourself on the topic is incredibly important and valuable in the long run. Reading books or articles about nutrition and exercise will give you more ideas about the best ways to implement healthy habits into your lifestyle, which is absolutely critical for successful weight loss that won’t return.

In addition to books specific to healthier eating and practical exercise, information about setting new habits and keeping them can be useful too. Here are some great options:

  • Atomic Habits by James Clear
  • The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey
  • The Elephant In The Room by Tommy Tomlinson

Can You Lose Weight Fast?

Our first instinct when we’re told that we can lose weight fast is to call bullshit, and that’s totally fair. There are lots of fad diets and workout regimes out there that are ineffective or unhealthy, which is why it’s important to focus on the basics if you’re looking to lose weight fast.

For some people, it’s going to be much harder to lose weight fast than it is for other people. That’s just the way it goes, and there are many factors – including genetics – that come into play to determine that. This is why it’s important to create healthier lifestyle habits, which will allow you to be more consistent as you grow to understand the things that work for you best.

The best advice anyone will give you comes from a professional, so your first point of call should be engaging the services of a doctor, qualified nutritionist or personal trainer before you decide on the plan that’s best for you. Individualised plans always go further than generic ones.

Can You Lose Weight Fast By Not Eating?

If you’ve read this far and think that the one key to quick weight loss is to stop eating, we’d recommend you return to the start of the article. Worryingly, this is a commonly asked question on Google and the answer is “no”. You cannot lose weight fast by not eating. Not only is it dangerous for both your physical and mental health, but it robs you of the nutrition necessary to live a full life each day and avoid illness.

As mentioned above, intermittent fasting is a good way to lower your daily caloric intake, but it’s also critical to eat balanced and nutritional meals during your eating windows while you’re intermittently fasting. If you stop eating altogether, there’s an extremely high chance you’ll get sick very quickly, have no energy to live your life and damage your health in a long-lasting way. Don’t do it.

Shed The Weight Fast

No more wondering how to gradually lose weight fast in 2 weeks, 3 weeks or a month. You can choose a weight loss strategy that fits your lifestyle and goals, but some of the most effective methods include intermittent fasting, thoughtful meals, exercise, and stress reduction. Always consult with a doctor or registered dietitian before starting any new diet or exercise program.

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How To Lose Weight Fast – Frequently Asked Questions

How do I lose weight in 7 days?

Make sure you’re eating a very balanced diet that’s high in protein and unprocessed carbs, exercise every day even if it’s just half an hour of walking and make sure you’re getting seven to nine hours of sleep each night. Swimming and cycling are both great exercises to try that aren’t weight-bearing and having a meal plan is important too.

What is the fastest way to losing weight?

Eat unprocessed foods, drink plenty of water, exercise as regularly as you can and track each of these things to keep yourself accountable. Consistency is the most important factor to create healthier habits that you will be able to maintain.

What are some other ways to lose weight fast?

Be organised and educate yourself. One of the main culprits of setbacks on a weight loss journey is a lack of structure and accountability. Another big thing is not understanding the unhealthy habits you have and what to replace them with, which is why it’s important to read a lot about nutrition and exercise. Use a smartphone app like Zero if you need to, or just keep a food diary that you can commit to throughout the day.


  1. Metabolism to Mental Health: 7 Ways Losing Weight Too Fast Will Backfire, Healthline, 21 November 2018
  2. Research on Intermittent Fasting Shows Health Benefits, National Institute on Aging, 27 February 2020
  3. Intermittent fasting: is there a role in the treatment of diabetes?, Journal of Clinical Diabetes and Endocrinology, 3 February 2021
  4. Low-carb diet: Can it help you lose weight?, Mayoclinic, 15 November 2022
  5. The addition of a protein-rich breakfast and its effects on acute appetite control and food intake in ‘breakfast-skipping’ adolescents, National Library of Medicine, 2 February 2010
  6. 7 Science-Based Health Benefits of Drinking Enough Water, Healthline, 30 June 2020
  7. The Role of Exercise and Physical Activity in Weight Loss and Maintenance, National Library of Medicine, 11 October 2013
  8. Impact of a stress management program on weight loss, mental health and lifestyle in adults with obesity: a randomized controlled trial, National Library of Medicine, 3 October 2018
  9. The Benefits of Food Journaling, American Society for Nutrition, 23 October 2019
  10. Don’t fall for fad diets, Mayoclinic, 2 March 2022
  11. What Happens When You Cut Out Added Sugar?, WebMD, 27 May 2021
  12. Non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT), PubMed, 16 December 2022

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