Despite being one of the most successful cancers to treat if discovered early, melanoma remains one of Australia’s biggest killers – claiming one Aussie every five hours.
The worst part? Stats confirm that blokes are most likely to get a melanoma – but are also the least likely to visit a doctor to get something suss checked out.
In an effort to kill two birds with one stone, Aussies can now get a skin check and enjoy a frothy all in the same outing thanks to the good folks at Merivale.
Beard Season champion, Jimmy Niggles, has partnered with Merivale for the summer to offer free skin checks at your favourite coastal venues.

The free and quick 15-minute walk-in skin checks are available at The Newport, Coogee Pavilion and The Collaroy. All skin checks will be performed by trained doctors and nurses in private huts using a revolutionary AI-based screening platform, providing a friendly and relaxed environment for customers to visit some of the best skin specialists in Australia.
“Each check will take about 10-20 minutes, using the best technology there is, and could seriously save your life,” Niggles Said.
“In more than 95% of cases, melanoma can be successfully treated if found early – one of the highest survival rates of any cancer. So, get it done.”
Founded in 2010, in memory of Wes Bonny, Niggles’ friend who died from melanoma at the age of 26, the Beard Season movement encourages men to grow their beards, get a skin check and then use their beards as life-saving conversation starters. Niggles has been growing his beard for nearly a decade and is now selling it off for the spicy sum of one million dollars so he can kick start the world’s first, targeted national skin check program.
Merivale will also host the highly anticipated ‘Million Dollar Beard Ball’ in February 2020 to help Beard Season’s founder, Jimmy Niggles, reach the target $1million target to shave off his world-famous beard.
Read more about Beard Season here, or if you’d prefer to listen, Jimmy joined us on Episode 8 of Friday Sharpeners.