These Are The Highest Paid Actors On Earth In 2015
— Updated on 2 August 2021

These Are The Highest Paid Actors On Earth In 2015

— Updated on 2 August 2021
Boss Hunting
Boss Hunting

Forbes just released their annual list of the world’s highest paid actors over the last year, and while there are certainly a few familiar faces – there’s a lot of guys on the list that you probably wouldn’t expect.

Sure, Robert Downey Jr. is quickly matching the character he’s best known for in terms of net worth on the back of one of the biggest franchises in modern history, but where exactly did you expect bigVin Diesel to feature? We barely thought he’d place in the top 100 but he’s absolutely raking the cash in.

Jackie Chan was a presence throughout all of our childhoods but little did you know he is on fire in the Chinese market bringing in a cool $50m last year.

Oh and Adam Sandler…surely the man is taking the piss with the calibre of films he’s making at the moment, but alas he made a cool $41m coming in at number 5 on this year’s list.

Guess that shows what we know about show business…

So without any further ado, here’s the rest of the top 10.

1. Robert Downey Jr. – $80 million

2. Jackie Chan – $50 million

3. Vin Diesel – $47 million

4. Bradley Cooper – $41.5 million

5. Adam Sandler – $41 million

6. Tom Cruise – $40 million

7. Amitabh Bachchan – $33.5 million (tie)

7. Salman Khan – $33.5 million (tie)

9. Akshay Kumar – $32.5 million

10. Mark Wahlberg – $32 million

Looks like the future is Bollywood.

Read the full story over at Forbes.

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