There are cars that look cool, cars that feel cool, even cars that you’re told are inherently cool through prestige and function. But then there are the cars that – while still well within ‘cool’ territory – are just… neat to look at. Delightful, even. Cars like the Lazareth Mini Moke V8M SUV. A compact bit of all-terrain (though low clearance) fun that I personally can’t stop staring at.
The original Mini Moke was first manufactured by the British Motor Corporation from 1964, and here in Australia from 1966 all the way to 1982. It has since seen something of a revival, with a series of amphibious cars inspired by the Mini Moke having been launched in 2017 by Ludovic Lazareth.

This latest iteration of the Mini Moke, however, is not amphibious. Although it does house an Italian V8 engine – 4,700cc, 460 hp, with 520 Nm – making it a zippy little thing. Or as the site description on Uncrate puts it,
“This ended with a 460 horsepower Maserati V8 being stuffed in the engine bay, and roll bars and 17-inch aluminium wheels to try and tame the power.”
The original minimalist design has been respected, complete with the gearbox and paddles behind the wheels. In terms of measuring instruments, the Mini Moke only has a speedometer on display. As for the exterior, well – I don’t think I have to explain it further. It’s clearly a no-frills design here, which is quite refreshing.

While my French is a little rusty, based on a rough translation of the Lazareth official site, this is a limited one-off project with a maximum of around ten being produced to order.
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