In an effort to revive tourism once the whole shitshow that is COVID-19 has blown over, Sicily has proposed an offer we simply can’t refuse – paying for your Sicily holiday. At least a considerable portion of it.
As you may have heard, the region has been devastated by the pandemic. In terms of monetary figures, Sicily has reportedly lost over €1 billion ($1.7 billion) from the obvious lack of tourism alone. Hence the radical commitment to attract international visitors.
Setting aside a grand total of €50 million ($85 million), Sicily will pay for half of your flights and a third of your accommodation costs. Additionally, all museum and archaeological site tickets will be subsidised. Certainly not a bad deal.

So how can you eager jet setters claim an extremely affordable Sicily holiday? Keep an eye out at for the details – which includes the release of the relevant travel vouchers. These vouchers will become available at the appropriate time i.e. when we’re allowed to leave our country and roam the world freely again.
In related news, Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte has recently confirmed the country will ease its laws and enter “phase two” of lockdown. From May 4th, parks and public gardens will reopen with the implementation of mandatory social distancing and masks. From May 18th, retail fronts, libraries, museums, and galleries will follow. Hopefully by June 1st, bars, restaurants, and hairdressers can start hitting the ground running.
At the very least, we now have something else to look forward to.