PongConnect: The World’s Greatest Beer Pong Table
— Updated on 15 June 2021

PongConnect: The World’s Greatest Beer Pong Table

— Updated on 15 June 2021
Garry Lu
Garry Lu

Gentlemen, I stand before you today having witnessed the future – and it looks mighty bright. Thanks to the innovative efforts of one Hong Kong-based operation, from this day forward, we shall no longer settle for any old foldaway setup or makeshift surfaces. From this day forward, we’ll only be aspiring to what is perhaps the greatest beer pong table known to mankind thus far: PongConnect.

Providing the time-honoured house party fixture with a much-needed top-to-bottom refresh, effectively dragging it across the proverbial threshold firmly into the 21st century, PongConnect is so much more than its LED display panels and light-up fixtures suggest (both from a technical and philosophical standpoint).

Built for casuals and professionals alike, it brings an entire host of features which are sure to be experiential enhancers, whatever the occasion may be. RFID detection, real-time stats + feedback, fully-automated gaming system, as well as bonus beer pong game formats to keep it interesting… to compare the PongConnect to your table tennis and red cup combination would be like comparing a Glock 19 to a sharpened tree branch. There are levels to this game and although it has served us well in the past, a sharpened tree branch simply won’t do the job anymore.

Pongconnect beer pong table
Pongconnect beer pong table

RELATED: You Can Now Buy The Golf Version Of Beer Pong

  • Automated ball-in detection technology
    “With the state of the art RFID Ball detection technology, PongConnect is able to take the game to the next level by introducing our unique game modes.”

  • LED screens
    “With LED screens, disputes on re-racking are a thing of the past. We’re able to display a player’s ranking, stats, achievement badges, and personal themed UI display.”

  • Digital visual & audio experience
    “Sleek LED light finishing accompanied with four speakers to provide a sensational and eye-catching addition to any venue.”

  • Game Modes
    “Bundling all the technologies into one supercharged digital beer pong system, not only does PongConnect improve the original beer pong experience, but also introduces new game modes such as Combo Out, Count Up, and Challenge in addition to Classic.”

    Table – 240cm x 80cm x 78cm
    Cup – 12cm x 9.25cm (diameter)
    Ball – 3.95cm (diameter)

PongConnect also comes with a companion mobile app which tracks personal player stats and scores on the go as a means of connecting both beer pong players and leagues from all around the world. You may think you’re an elite-tier operator, but a global ranking will definitively put any would-be assumptions to rest.

If you’re already sold on the concept, you’ll be happy to learn PongConnect ships internationally. While it’s available in Australia, domestic pricing hasn’t been publicly disclosed via the official PongConnect website. BH have reached out for an entry-level quote, so be sure to watch this space when that detail finally comes.

Now that you’ve read all about this revolutionary digital beer pong table, find out more about Post Malone’s world beer pong league.

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Garry Lu
After stretching his legs with companies such as The Motley Fool and the odd marketing agency, Garry joined Boss Hunting in 2019 as a fully-fledged Content Specialist. In 2021, he was promoted to News Editor. Garry proudly retains a blue belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, black bruises from Muay Thai, as well as a black belt in all things pop culture. Drop him a line at [email protected]


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