This Natural Slip’n’Slide In Canada Is Epic
— 11 August 2015

This Natural Slip’n’Slide In Canada Is Epic

— 11 August 2015
Boss Hunting
Boss Hunting

Canada is a land of natural beauty, ‘the New Zealand of the north’, as we’ve heard it called; and we may have just discovered its pièce de résistance, a naturally occurring Slip’n’Slide in Lynn Canyon Park, British Columbia (just north of Vancouver).

The rock has been smoothed over by the current over time, and you can now slip your way down this natural slide before dropping almost 10m off a waterfall into the pool below. The footage above comes from YouTube sensation Devin Supertramp which he filmed with a crew from Torch Paddles.

BONUS: There’s some behind the scenes footage below too. Enjoy.

N.B. it also looks ridiculously dangerous so we probably wouldn’t recommending try this one at home.

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