It was only a matter of time before the authorities apprehended the three-foot don himself. And today, we have the distinct displeasure of reporting that Hasbulla Magomedov – social media sensation and UFC ambassador – has been arrested in the Republic of Dagestan (Russia).
Before you blindly post #FreeBulla, you might be interested in learning precisely how “Mini Khabib” incurred the full wrath of the law. As per MVD Dagestan (via Red Corner MMA):
“Police in Dagestan arrested him and some of his friends for violating traffic laws. According to Dagestan’s Internal Affairs, Hasbulla and others drove out into the street and were interfering with other drivers. The entourage was arrested and charged with administrative violations. As Hasbulla and his crew claimed, ‘They were celebrating a friend’s wedding.’”
RELATED: Why Are Blokes So Obsessed With Hasbulla?
As you’ll see in the footage provided above, there’s no denying Hasbulla & Co are indeed guilty of hooning on an open road – doughnuts in broad daylight and all – with the high-octane fun eventually coming to an abrupt halt after what appears to be a rather nasty scrape/collision.
Nor can we honestly say this is uncharacteristic behaviour. Young Hasbi, who is actually approaching his 21st birthday, has a well-documented love affair for speeding on four wheels (sometimes two).
“We decided to hype a little bit. That won’t happen again, people we apologise. We had to answer for it a little bit. I wasn’t driving either.”
Hasbulla Magomedov’s Instagram apology (via The Sun)
Currently, it’s unclear whether this hiccup will impact his ongoing five-year contract with the UFC or his standing with President Dana White. But let’s be real here: Hasbulla is hardly the promotion’s first employee to be arrested in public fashion. Just count our blessings it was for something so comparatively tame (although no less obnoxious).

Can Hasbulla drive a car by himself?
Contrary to what the internet will have you believe, while he’s been papped in luxury vehicles ranging from McLarens and Rolls-Royces to the odd BMW, and now arrested for a traffic violation, Hasbulla Magomedov cannot properly drive a vehicle by himself. At least not safely. Keep in mind: doughnuts in an empty lot and sitting on someone else’s lap don’t count in our books.
In fact, based on our first-hand experience with the great man during last year’s tour of Australia, Hasbulla can’t even pilot a recreational go-kart independently without extensive modifications: maximum seating inserts, maximum pedal inserts, adjusted steering column… the works.
Still, that hasn’t precluded him from car ownership. Back in February 2023, for example, Hasbulla attempted to sell a car he actually owned on Instagram: a 2000 model BMW E38 7 Series.