Come one come all, hungry carnivores. The annual World’s 101 Best Steak Restaurants list has just been unveiled and — in a rash of good news for Melburnians and Sydneysiders — 10 of the most globally lauded venues for a hunk of beast and a glass of plonk are to be found down under.
Evidently, the 101 Best inspectors have gone to great pains not to inflame regional rivalries: with Australia’s 10 elite steak restaurants split, in identical number, between the Victorian and New South Wales capitals.
Notably, Margaret (Chef-Proprietor Neil Perry’s plush “neighbourhood restaurant” in Double Bay) came out on top, sporting the highest ranking of any Australian venue in this year’s awards with #3 overall.

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Elsewhere, the homegrown names you’ll find in this year’s 101-strong list are largely in line with prior expectations.
Victor Churchill, the ultra-high-end butcher (that happens to maintain a Chef’s Table set-up in Armadale) was ranked #11; while The Gidley — a Boss Hunting favourite, replete with poker and tableside Martin service — came in at #24 globally.

Meat lovers who plan on travelling to Spain and Argentina ought to be doubly excited as the world’s silver and gold standard steak restaurants are located in those countries respectively.
Besides its #2 ranking, Bodega El Capricho now claims the mantle of “Best Steak Restaurant in Europe”; and 2024 also marks the second consecutive year that Parrilla Don Julio has been dubbed the world’s #1 purveyor of beefy cuisine.
Established in 2019, the World’s 101 Best Steak Restaurants list is compiled by Upper Cut Media House: a “distinguished media company” based in London — you can view all of this year’s awardees, and learn how Upper Cut evaluates the quality of each venue, via the link below.