Golf Is An “In-Demand” Skill For Corporate Jobs, Reveals Recruiters
— 21 June 2024

Golf Is An “In-Demand” Skill For Corporate Jobs, Reveals Recruiters

— 21 June 2024
Garry Lu
Garry Lu

The tired axiom surrounding business deals and golf courses is finding urgent new relevance in the corporate world.

As reported by The Wall Street Journal, those with strong drive and putting abilities are currently “sought-after hires” in finance, consulting, and sales, among other industries given the hybrid work landscape; and the time-honoured tradition of networking on the green.

Bonus points if you’re a member at an exclusive club.

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Apparently, it’s to the point that Shawn Cole, an executive recruiter, now includes a candidate’s handicap as part of the briefing packets he submits to clients.

“I know a guy that literally flies around the world in a private jet loaded with French wine, and he golfs, and lands hundred-million-dollar deals.”

Shawn Cole, executive recruiter

The publication went on to highlight an anonymous financial adviser from a “major Wall Street bank” who competes on the amateur circuit; and completes 90% of his tasks by 10 AM to accommodate for the rest of his day — golfing with both existing clients and prospects.

“He’s a member of a private club with a multiyear waiting list, and people jump at the chance to join him on a course they normally can’t access,” explains WSJ‘s Callum Borchers.

“There is an art to bringing in business this way. He never initiates shoptalk, telling his playing partners the round is about having fun and getting to know each other. They can’t resist asking about investment strategies by the back nine, he says.”

Golf Is An "In-Demand" Skill For Corporate Jobs, Reveals Recruiters

“It would’ve been scandalous in 2019 to be having multiple meetings a week on the golf course,” said Stanford University economist Nicholas Bloom, whose research indicates weekday tee times have nearly doubled in America since 2019.

“In 2024, if you’re producing results, no one’s going to see anything wrong with it.”

And as Callum Borchers points out, golf is also an efficient way to learn about somebody’s temperament. Particularly after a shank.

“If you see a guy snap a club over his knee, you don’t know what he’s going to snap next.”

Barry Allison, Accenture management consultant (via WSJ)

The one caveat, as touched upon earlier by Bloom, is that you can in fact deliver results.

RELATED: The Bizarre Reason Japan Offers Golfers Hole-In-One Insurance

Despite the notion that the corporate world is still a Scorsesian fever dream gatekept by a fraternity of sentient country club polo shirts, golf alone doesn’t guarantee employment — there’s still some semblance of a meritocracy. But it certainly helps.

Tami McQueen, Chief Marketing Officer at investment firm BIP Capital, echoed this very sentiment: “To be able to say, ‘I can play with you and we can have those business meetings on the course’ definitely opens a lot more doors.”

Time to hit the driving ranges, I suppose.

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Garry Lu
After stretching his legs with companies such as The Motley Fool and the odd marketing agency, Garry joined Boss Hunting in 2019 as a fully-fledged Content Specialist. In 2021, he was promoted to News Editor. Garry proudly retains a blue belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, black bruises from Muay Thai, as well as a black belt in all things pop culture. Drop him a line at [email protected]


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